Bharat Saini, Advisor, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity

I am pleased to announce that Bharat Saini has accepted the position of Advisor, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services, effective August 1, 2018. This position reports to the Director of Human Rights, Equity & Diversity.

Bharat Saini has been working in the postsecondary sector for more than a decade in the areas of disability, accessibility and inclusion. He has completed his Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education and Master of Education degrees from York University and is currently pursuing his MBA degree at the University of Liverpool.

Bharat held the position of Senior Disability Consultant & Program Supervisor with the Centre for Students with Disabilities at OCAD University. During his tenure, Bharat provided consultation, training and inquiries in the areas of academic accommodations and human rights. Additionally, he worked on numerous committees covering teaching and learning, accessibility and AODA, academic accommodations, mental health, human rights, and employment equity. Bharat has a strong commitment to fostering an equitable, diverse and inclusive learning, working and living environment.

Please join Centre staff in welcoming Bharat to Humber College!


Nancy Simms
Director, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity