Partial Load Registry

Please register for Partial Load Work for 2019 by October 30, 2018.

About the Registry (Article 26.10)

A partial load registry has been established in order for current or previously employed partial load employees of Humber College, to register their interest in being employed as a partial load faculty for the 2019 calendar year. The development of the registry is in recognition of the collective agreement between OPSEU academic employees and the College. Priority hiring for available partial load work will be given to eligible partial load employees based on criteria set out in Article 26.10 of the collective agreement.

Where Do I Register for Future Partial Load Employment?

We are pleased to announce that the Partial Load Registry has been now been launched. We strongly encourage you to register prior to the October 30 deadline.

In order to access the Partial Load Registry please find the access point on the front page of the Humber Human Resources webpage or go to the link at:

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation response which should be retained for your records.

Should you have any questions about the Partial Load Registry process please speak with your Manager, your Human Resources Business Partner (, or your OPSEU union representative (

Have a great term and thank you for all of your contributions to Humber College. We look forward to having you register for future partial load employment.


Heather Black
Associate Director, HRBP Services
Employee and Labour Relations
Stacey Merritt
President, OPSEU Local 562