It’s Waste Reduction Week! October 15-19, 2012

October 18, 2012

October 15 – 19 is Waste Reduction Week (WRW) in Canada. This week is meant to engage and empower Canadians to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Reducing waste is one solution to the many environmental challenges we face: climate change, water pollution and preservation of natural resources. 

“Canadians produce more than 31 million tonnes of waste annually, that’s 2.7kgs per person per day

(Statistics Canada, Environment Account and Statistics Division)

That’s the same volume of waste being generated as piling up 31 million average family cars.

Of this amount, we divert less than 25 per cent from landfills.

This year for WRW, Humber College is participating in
“Recycle my Cell Challenge”

Recycle my Cell has issued a challenge to Canadian schools: collect as many old wireless devices and accessories as possible between October 15 and November 15, 2012. The school that collects the most will win $500 for their school to use for green initiatives!

What are we collecting? Any and all old and out-of-use cell phones, smartphones, wireless PDAs, pagers, as well as their batteries, chargers and accessories.

Where? You will find a collection box at the HSF offices on North and Lakeshore campuses
When? Between October 15 and November 15th, 2012
Who? The entire Humber community, students, staff, and all Campuses!
Why? Because Humber can make a difference for the environment!

Want more information? Check out:

Lindsay Walker, Sustainability Manager
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext.5829