Research Study Seeking Participants

Dear colleagues,

Please see the research study notice below for information pertaining to an online research study we are conducting throughout the fall semester at the University of Guelph-Humber. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in providing this information to interested students and members of faculty and staff of Humber College.

Research study notice:

Dr. Adam Sandford’s research team are seeking participants to inform us how many Canadians in the media they know by listing the names of individuals in an online form. This study is self-paced and can be completed anywhere. Participants of this study will be entered into a prize draw to be included in a chance to win one of 50 $25 gift cards. Participants’ contributions will help our development of a face database for the purposes of research on face recognition with colleagues in and outside Canada.

Interested students, faculty, and staff may contact Dr. Sandford's research team for more details and how to participate by emailing Our team will provide you with an information letter, which is also contained in the online study which uses a Google Form. Each interested student/staff/faculty is advised to read the information letter before proceeding to the Google Form.

If you wish to find out more information about each study, contact our research team: There is no obligation to participate if you do not wish after reading the information letter.