Humber’s Employment Equity Program - Implementation Steps

Humber’s Employment Equity Program - Implementation Steps

Humber College is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity is re-establishing the Employment Equity Program at Humber.

Humber voluntarily complies with the Employment Equity Act.

The Implementation of an Employment Equity Program includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: Initiate an employment equity program
  • Step 2-1: Conduct a workforce analysis
  • Step 2-2: Conduct an employment systems review
  • Step 3: Create an employment equity plan
  • Step 4: Establish and sustain an employment equity program
  • Step 5: Produce an annual report

An Employment Equity Program was initiated at Humber several years ago. Along with conducting a Workforce Analysis (Step 2-1), we will be conducting an Employment Systems Review (ESR) (Step 2-2). The main goal of the ESR is to provide a reasonable explanation for any major gaps in representation revealed by the workforce analysis. The ESR review will form the basis for developing Humber’s Employment Equity Plan.

The purpose of an Employment Systems Review is five-fold:

  1. to identify all your human resources systems, policies and practices;
  2. to analyze these systems, policies and practices to determine how they may have a different impact on designated group members compared to those who are not members of a designated group;
  3. to identify which of these systems, policies and practices create barriers;
  4. to provide a basis for corrective action to remove barriers; and
  5. to assess the potential for reasonable accommodation to overcome valid barriers (i.e., barriers that exist because of a bona fide occupational requirement and are consistent with human rights legislation).

Please visit the Centre website for Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to Humber’s Employment Equity Program.

If you have questions pertaining to Humber's Employment Equity Program, please contact: Bharat Saini at 416.665.6622 x5160 or

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity thanks you for helping to build a more inclusive Humber.