L&D Workshop - Developing High Impact Work Teams

This workshop will teach you how to develop and manage highly effective teams in your workplace.  Learn techniques to improve your team’s total productivity and develop and fine-tune your motivating skills. Topics include commitment and cooperation techniques as well as team development theory and practice.

​In this workshop you will learn to:

  • recognize team transitions and how to empower staff in both unionized and non-unionized workplaces
  • to master the keys to excellent communication: observe, listen, analyze, plan, and communicate
  • develop better ways of working together to improve team perform

Facilitator: Diana Kawarsky, The Soft Skills Group

Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 - 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Location: Room: H407, North Campus

To register, please contact Maureen or Michelle at learninghrs@humber.ca or click here.

Thank you!