Content Migration Notice: New Video Streaming Service – Panopto

Humber has acquired a new video streaming and delivery service called Panopto (“Panopto”), which is designed to support instructors and students with the creation, sharing, and viewing of video content (“Content”).

Panopto will soon be made available to all Humber staff and students, and all staff will have the ability to record and upload Content. If you provided Humber with consent to appear in a video that was created with Humber any time on or after September 1, 2014, we would like to inform you that your video may be uploaded onto Panopto, which utilizes servers located in the United States.

What content is Humber migrating?

  • Any Content recorded between September 1, 2014 and December 21, 2018 may be a part of this migration.
  • Content will only be migrated under the terms of our existing agreements with you as an individual who appears in Humber video (for example, as a student or actor).
  • Content migrated into Panopto will not be made publicly available, unless we have had your previous consent to do so.
  • Content migrated into Panopto may be viewed by any current or future Humber student or staff member.

Why are you informing us?

  • Humber has a new video streaming and delivery platform (“Panopto”) that is available to any member of the College. We would like to inform you about of this change and provide you with the opportunity to learn more or to opt-out of having Content that you appear in uploaded to Panopto.

What do I have to do?

  • If you are comfortable with Content you appear in being migrated into Panopto, then there is no action required.
  • If you do not wish for Content you appear in to be migrated into Panopto, please send an email to by January 7, 2019, with the subject "Panopto Migration Opt-Out" and following information:
    • Your Full Name:
    • Relevant Contact at Humber in which you have created Content with:
    • Approximate date and year in which the Content was created:
    • Title of Content:

Thank you, and we look forward to providing you with further updates surrounding the upcoming Panopto launch!