Free Virtual Lunch & Learn Webinars

The Educational Technology Committee (ETC) is hosting a series of free Virtual Lunch & Learn Webinars! The webinars are underway for this winter term.

Visit the ETC website to register for a webinar.

The ETC is formally represented by a member at each college in Ontario and represents the colleges’ practitioner knowledge base on the application of teaching and learning technologies.

A list of the webinars in the Lunch & Learn series:

The Ontario Extend mOOC
January 23, 2019, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
This session will provide an overview of the upcoming eCampusOntario offering of the Ontario Extend faculty development program in January. The program is a learning experience for educators who want to effectively embedding technology into pedagogical practice. 

The Magic Touch: Great Learning through Touch Interactivity
January 31, 2019, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
In this workshop you will look at how everyday software is building in touch interactive features, and learn a few presentation and teaching strategies that resonate with learners.

Little Known Ways of Facilitating BYOD in Classrooms 
February 13, 2019, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
Learn policies, risks, security methods, and ways to engage learners with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in the classroom and walk home with a working action plan.

Foothold, Not Just Footprints: Helping Instructors Manage their Online Reputations
February 27, 2019, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
Students are increasingly becoming interested in learning more about us through social media. In this workshop, you will learn about strategies and tools for managing your digital footprint.

Sway This Way - Incorporating Student Experience into Flexible Professional Learning
March 5, 2019, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
This workshop will focus on the incorporation of the student voice and experience into using ed tech to provide accessible professional development for busy faculty.

Explain It Like I’m Five (English)
March 19, 2019, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
In this workshop, you will learn how to apply the "Explain it Like I’m Five" strategy, effectively integrate this technique in your classrooms and creatively use different technologies for activities that are traditionally done using pen and paper.

Explique-moi comme si j’ai 5 ans (Français)
March 26, 2019, 12 .p.m - 1 p.m.
Dans cet atelier, vous apprendrez comment appliquer la stratégie « Explique-moi comme si j’ai 5 ans » à intégrer efficacement cette technique dans votre salle de classe et à utiliser de manière créative différentes technologies pour des activités traditionnellement réalisées à l’aide d’un stylo et du papier.