Vera Beletzan, Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Innovative Learning

It is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Vera Beletzan as Humber’s incoming Senior Dean for the new Faculty of LAS (Liberal Arts and Sciences) and Innovative Learning. Many of you will know Vera as a valued and long-standing member of the Humber team since 2001. Vera is currently Acting Dean for the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Special Advisor leading the development of Humber’s Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) Framework. 

Vera brings to the Senior Dean role a wealth of experience as a professor, program manager, and academic administrator. Her many career successes include 18 years of academic leadership, and more than 25 years of experience as an educator in a variety of postsecondary and adult education settings. She holds several postsecondary credentials, including a Master of Education: Second Language Education, Master of Arts: English Language and Literature, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto (to name a few).  

I invite you to join me in congratulating Vera on this well-deserved appointment! She will begin transitioning into the Senior Dean role as of March 1, 2019. 

Laurie Rancourt
Senior Vice-President, Academic