We understand that working from home is new to many of us and this sudden change can be overwhelming. As we adjust to our new work environments and form new habits, it is important that we continue to strive to work as securely as possible. To support you in your new surroundings, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you remain secure.
- Your operating system (like Windows, MacOS, iOS, or Android) and your software will occasionally receive updates. From time to time, a message will pop up on your device asking you to allow an update to be downloaded and install. Do the right thing and install updates as soon as possible, making sure they are running the latest version.
Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.
416.675.6622 x8888 | humber.ca/techtalk
A212 (Lakeshore) or NX210 (North)
ITS Security Team