Healthy Work from Home Resources - HROE

The Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) - Learning and Development team is pleased to provide another edition of ‘Healthy Work From Home Resources’ containing information, videos and resources for all employees. In this edition, there are resources to assist with your emotional and physical well-being and financial wellness, along with more helpful tips on home schooling when there are competing priorities with your own work.

Healthy Work from Home Resources

This week’s LinkedIn Learning courses are focused on Embracing Unexpected Change, Communicating Within Teams and  Leadership - Practical Skills. 

Our SkillSoft E-learning courses are still open for registration and are available to all Humber employees. Check out the links below:

  1. LinkedIn Courses
  2. SkillSoft E-learning Courses

If you have any recommendations to add to the ‘Healthy Working from Home Resources’ page, please e-mail the Organizational Effectiveness team at

Thank you!