New Insights: Collecting Student Race-Based Data

As education professionals, we know that higher education is a key pathway to social mobility and that the participation of underrepresented and historically disadvantaged students decreases at multiple points across the higher education pipeline, including at application, admission, enrolment and graduation.

Recognizing the importance of analyzing these links further, Humber began collecting race-based data through the Humber Student Success Survey (HSSS) in 2016. The college analyzes the relationship between race and student success to understand issues related to systemic racism and to better support underrepresented and historically disadvantaged groups.

To learn more about this topic, check out this new one page brief. For more information on the diversity data Humber collects, click here or contact Silvana Miller.

This publication is the latest in IPA’s Insights series which supports institutional data literacy and the establishment of a common understanding about important institutional issues and topics related to Humber’s strategic priorities.

Table: Humber Student Racial Background Fall 2019 HSSS Survey Respondents:  Did not respond 687 Other 369 Mixed 319 White - North American 1989 White - European  2010 Indigenous - South American 44 Indigenous - North American 118 Middle Eastern 503 Latin America 669 Black - North American  178 Black - Caribbean 959 Black - African 736 Indian-Caribbean 425 Asian - East 578 Asian - South 2513 Asian - South East 1131