Dawn Macaulay to be the new Dean Innovative Learning

I am delighted to announce that Dr. Dawn Macaulay will be Humber’s new Dean of Innovative Learning.

In this role, Dawn will provide leadership in the Centre for Innovative Learning (CIL) to the Digital Learning, Teaching and Learning and Flexible Learning teams to foster excellence in teaching and learning practices at Humber. Dawn will also work closely in the CIL with the Dean of Program Planning, Development and Renewal, the Dean of Research and Innovation and the Dean of Continuous Professional Learning to co-create a learning innovation ecosystem that supports every aspect of how we teach and learn across our programs.

Dawn brings a strong understanding of Humber’s strategic vision and learners’ changing needs to her new role. Dawn has deep experience in interdisciplinary approaches and working with cross-college teams to achieve common goals and support student success.

Dawn is currently leading a project to develop collaborative programming across all three partner institutions in the Global Polytechnic Alliance. She is also co-chair of the Strategic Enrolment Management Pathways Committee and the Degree Breadth Committee, where she has been instrumental in enhancing Humber’s processes in support of current and prospective students.

Dawn holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of British Columbia. Since joining Humber originally in 2008, Dawn has been a Liberal Studies faculty member, Program Coordinator and Associate Dean. Her work within Liberal Studies has supported almost all of the colleges’ programs and has seen her collaborate with many colleagues across the academic division, Registrar’s Office and student services. 

In 2019, Dawn took on an interim role, providing leadership to the Teaching and Learning and Digital Learning teams. Dawn reviewed a number of key structures and programs and implemented new approaches to enhance supports to Humber's faculty.

Dawn will begin her new role on May 31, 2021 and will report to me.

Please join me in congratulating Dawn on her new role!


Vera Beletzan
Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences & Innovative Learning