Hybrid Work Training Video Series

Many faculties and departments are considering instituting hybrid working arrangements for their teams. For many, this may be their first time working in a hybrid working arrangement. A hybrid working arrangement means that on any given day, team members may be working on campus, remotely, and on different work schedules. 

To assist managers and employees contemplating the possibility of hybrid working arrangements, a series of short Hybrid Work Training Videos has been developed to begin your planning process. Each video is 3-12 minutes in length and is intended to provide key information to consider related to each topic. All videos in the series are now available and can be accessed on the Hybrid Work Training Video Series website

The series contains eight (8) short videos, as follows

  • Video 1: An Introduction to Hybrid Working Arrangements (7 minutes) 
  • Video 2: Deciding who works in a Hybrid Working Arrangement (12 minutes) 
  • Video 3: What a Hybrid Working Arrangement looks like (7 minutes) 
  • Video 4: Considerations for any changes to the physical workspace supporting Hybrid Working Arrangements (5 minutes) 
  • Video 5: Technology needs to support Hybrid Working Arrangements (10 minutes) 
  • Video 6: Supporting team effectiveness in Hybrid Working Arrangements (3 minutes) 
  • Video 7: Effective Communications when establishing Hybrid Working Arrangements (4 minutes) 
  • Video 8: Applying Change Management principles in Hybrid Working Arrangements (7 minutes) 

In addition to the video series, detailed training sessions have also been developed to support employees and managers in the transition to hybrid working arrangements. Training topics include Humber’s Remote Working Policy and hybrid working, managing and contributing in a hybrid working arrangement, ensuring well-being while working in a hybrid working arrangement, workplace safety, and technology needs for hybrid working. For further details on this training, please watch the Communiqué for upcoming announcements. 

If you have any questions about the video series, please contact oe@humber.ca