Innovation of the Year Award 2022 - Now Open

The submission deadline has been extended to March 9.

Celebrate and recognize the great work that your colleagues are doing. Nominate them for the Innovation of the Year Award 2022.

Purpose or goal:

The purpose of the Innovation of the Year Award is to recognize College employees who have designed and implemented a significant innovation that positively impacts the learning of students in the College. In addition to the recognition within Humber, one innovation will be submitted to and recognized at the League for Innovation.


All employee groups (full and part-time faculty, administrators and support staff) are eligible for nomination.


Criteria to be used for judging the merit of an innovation and its impact on students’ learning are:

  • Creativity: The selected innovation will be as original as possible or be a unique adaptation of an existing program, process or concept.
  • Effectiveness: There is evidence that the innovation leads to a better process for accomplishing a task(s).
  • Replication: The significant components of the innovation selected can be replicated in other institutions with a minimum of difficulty. The description of the program will include any conditions necessary for replication.
  • Timeliness: Innovation will not be more than five years old in the institution, but it must have been in existence long enough to have been tested.
  • Currency: There is evidence that the innovation is current in content and adaptive to technological applications as appropriate.
  • Collaboration: The innovation may demonstrate that a considerable collaboration effort has occurred between faculty/or college teams.
  • Quality: Students and/or staff agree that the innovation increases quality in the course program, office or institution. Evidence of quality may include student ratings or letters of support for colleagues.
  • The Innovation must have a positive impact on students’ learning.

Want to make a submission?

Complete the attached nomination form. Submit your nomination package to no later than March 9, 2022