JIPE Call for Papers - Indigenous Education

This is your chance to get your paper published in JIPE (Journal of Innovation in Polytechnique Education).

We kindly invite authors to contribute to this issue of JIPE by sharing stories, teachings, and inter-disciplinary dialogue that focus on Indigenous peoples and cultures; ways of being and becoming; theories of knowledge and knowing; and practices of teaching and learning. JIPE especially encourages scholarly work in partnership with Indigenous communities, both within rural, urban and remote contexts, which explore the impact of innovative teaching and learning practices that push the boundaries of traditional educational theory and delivery. Submissions will be peer-reviewed and collaborative expressions of interest must include at least one Indigenous co-writer.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are requested for this Issue of JIPE exploring the topic of “Indigenous Education and Research in a Polytechnic Context.

Please see the official call for papers for more information.

EOIs should be submitted to humberpress@humber.ca.

Deadline: June 2, 2022