ORI Article: Rock Star of the Week

At Humber and the Office of Research & Innovation (ORI), we are proud to support seasoned and emerging researchers who leave no stone unturned in their pursuance of insights, observations, and enthusiasm to positively impact change through the research projects they are leading. When we interact with the principal investigators of these projects, a common fact across the board is their appreciation and acknowledgement of the contributions of Research Assistants that work closely with them, beside them, supporting them along the journey of research.  

Today, we highlight two of our rock star research assistants who participated in a project led by Professor Mark Stoiko to find digital solutions to processes at NTN Corp. Ltd.  

Meet Michallia Marks and Caelan Prescott-Brown, Honours graduates of Humber’s Digital Business Management program.  

Find the complete story at “Everyday Innovators!”.