Update on how Humber is Supporting Students Impacted by the Invasion of Ukraine

As the Russian regime’s invasion of Ukraine continues, Humber has been working closely with the Ukrainian Students Club and Ukrainian employees, along with Russian students, to identify and implement supports for those in our community who are impacted.  

Here are some of the ways in which we are providing support: 

  • A Ukrainian Students and Community Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 10 at 10 a.m. at Lakeshore Campus in G Commons. Details will be shared soon.

  • The Humber website has a dedicated page for students impacted by the war which includes a list of counseling and mental health services, available in Ukrainian.

  • A dedicated form for students to connect to Humber resources supported by case managers in Student Affairs.

  • Academic accommodation for impacted students who are unable to return to campus in the Winter term for in-person studies because of the invasion.

  • An elimination of any fees owed to Humber in the current term for registered students. Those fees will be paid by bursary funds immediately.

  • A Support our Students fund for students impacted by the invasion has launched. Details were provided in Communiqué last week.

  • Next week is the tuition deposit deadline for the summer term. Some of our currently enrolled Ukrainian and Russian students have plans to study this summer. Impacted students are not required to pay the deposit by the deadline. Also, there will be no penalty for any late deposit payment. This week we will announce the details of our tuition relief program for impacted students studying in the summer session. The announcement will also include information on a bursary program above the tuition relief program to support living expenses of the impacted students.

  • We will be working on plans to provide similar relief in the fall term for impacted students before fall registration opens.

  • Students living in residence who have a Ukrainian or Russian home address or emergency contact will not be required to move out on April 25. Additional solutions are being explored and will be shared as they are finalized. These students will receive follow up communications this week.

  • A dinner was held for international Ukrainian students living in residence last week. Program Coordinators and faculty members attended as well and students were able to eat Ukrainian home cooked food and sing Ukrainian songs.

  • Students can contact the Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre for support. Same and next-day services may be available for both in-person and virtual appointments. 

As a reminder, Humber also provides connections to external support, including: 

  • LifeWorks Community Crisis Support Line: The Community Crisis Support Line is open 24/7 and can be reached in Canada at 1-844-751-2133. Individuals will receive professional emotional support and/or referral to community resources. This resource is available to anyone and everyone. 

  • Good2Talk (1-866-925-5454) is a 24-hour mental health support for Post-Secondary Students in Ontario 

  • Mental health support is available in 60 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. To use the service, please call the International Student Helpline (KeepMeSafe): 1-844-451-9700 

  • Therapy Assist Online   

  • Staff may also access Employee Assistance Plan services. 

  • ConnexOntario: 1-866-531-2600 

Several departments are also working on supports for employees impacted by the invasion. Details will be shared as soon as they are confirmed. 

We are grateful for the insights and for those who have shared their lived experiences with us over the past week.