Humber’s Vaccination Policy and Masking Mandate Lifted for the Summer Term

Following the Ontario government’s decision to end most COVID-19 measures and lift mask mandates for most indoor settings, Humber’s vaccination policy and masking mandate are scheduled to be lifted beginning May 2.   

There may continue to be situations in which masking and other personal protective equipment (PPE) is required. If your learning or working environment fits these criteria, masks or other PPE will be provided to you by your faculty or department.  

Humber will continue to support any employees or students who wish to continue wearing masks.  

In the summer term, there will no longer be active screening points at campus entryways. However, everyone coming to campus should continue to self-monitor for any symptoms and stay home if they are ill. The self-screening section of the Humber Guardian app will remain active, and the Humber community is encouraged to continue to use it to self-screen before coming to campus.  

Proper hand hygiene and respiratory/cough etiquette remain important and enhanced cleaning including frequent cleaning of high-touch services will continue.  

We know that the past two years have been challenging and that new information and changing public health directives can be stressful.  

As we move into this next phase, members of the Humber community may have different levels of comfort with the changes occurring in the province and on campus. As always, please continue to treat each other with respect.  

Humber will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation in the province and provide any updates on campus operations as needed. 

The vaccination policy and masking mandate remain in place for the rest of the winter term.