Call for Proposals: Climate in Crisis (Humber@TIFA Interdisciplinary Conference)

The call for proposals is now open for the eighth annual interdisciplinary conference held by Humber’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences in collaboration with the Toronto International Festival of Authors.

This year’s conference is titled “Climate in Crisis (Activism, Apathy and Responsibility: Social Responses to and Social Causes of the Current Climate Crisis).”

Held virtually on September 23 and 24, 2022, the conference is seeking individual presentation and panel proposals that examine the social challenges faced by the climate crisis, the impacts of climate change denial, environmental racism, representations of the climate crisis in media and the arts, individual vs. corporate responsibility, and the need for equitable solutions.

The deadline for proposals is June 5, 2022.

The keynote address will be delivered by Pipil and Irish/Scottish academic land defender, media maker, environmental spokesperson, and decolonization expert Nikki Sanchez. Sanchez is also an activist, author and educator, as well as the founder and director of Decolonize Together.

You can access the full call for proposals.

More information about the conference is available on the website.