Behind the Scenes: A New Display from Humber Archives

Did you know April 4 to 8 is the Archives Association of Ontario’s annual Archives Awareness Week, and Behind the Scenes is its theme for 2022?

As part of the week-long celebrations and events across the province, Humber Archives has put together a display which presents many of the fun and fabulous things we do behind the scenes to make sure Humber’s history and heritage is preserved and available for all. If you’re curious as to what Humber Archives does, this is a great chance to check out what we do, and learn a little bit more about our constantly growing collections! You can even glimpse a couple of new additions to the archival collection.

The display can be viewed in the North Library (LRC, 4th floor) from April 4 to 8 between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.