Tessa Soltendieck, Manager, Sustainability

I am pleased to introduce Tessa Soltendieck (she/her) to Humber as the new manager, Sustainability. 

Tessa has worked in sustainability for more than seven years, specializing in environmental education, communication, and engagement. Most recently, Tessa worked as the Community Engagement Manager for the Federal Climate Change Program at Environmental Defence Canada. Her work focused on empowering everyday Canadians to act on climate change through political advocacy.

Tessa received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from McGill University, with a double-minor in Environment and Field Studies from the McGill School of Environment. She also holds a Master of Development Practice from the School of Environment, Enterprise & Development at the University of Waterloo.

As an experienced sustainability practitioner, Tessa will play a key role in developing the vision, framework and strategies that support our progressing understanding of environmental stewardship and continue our leadership in campus sustainability.

Tessa started the role on March 28. Whether in person or online, please join me in welcoming Tessa!

Lindsay Walker (she/her)
Associate Director, Sustainability