Sustainability Spotlight: Staci Lindsay

Staci Lindsay, Accounts Payable Manager at Humber College, has had a passion for accounting since she was in high school. Today, she leads Humber’s Accounts Payable team and is responsible for managing outgoing payments to vendors while ensuring that they are issued on a timely basis. 

Sustainability plays a significant role in Staci's life. As an avid camper and lover of the great outdoors, Staci is an advocate for the protection of our natural resources. “I appreciate our natural resources. Depleting natural resources not only affects us now but also our future which will have an impact on my children", Staci said.  

Over the past few years, the demand for green businesses has grown rapidly. Many consumers and employees believe that brands bear as much responsibility for positive environmental changes as governments, and many are demanding that businesses commit to making a change. Staci decided to be a part of that change.  

At Humber, Staci has used her passion for sustainability to invoke change within her department by creating a paperless environment. “Over the years I have seen an increase in paper usage, and I wanted to reduce the amount of paper handled in our day-to-day operations. This would be a big task to take on as handling paper in AP was the norm for many years,” Staci said. 

Learn more about how Staci addresses sustainability in her work