Humber Project Management Methodology and Tools

Humber has always been a pioneer in education. In accordance with this vision, dozens of projects are implemented by Humber every year. Humber delivers high quality outcomes, while catering to the expectations of our clients and stakeholders. Managing these projects effectively to ensure successful completion is crucial. We know that Humber has great people that are key to making these projects successful. But are there other tools that the organization uses to help make their projects successful that could help me too? 

In fact, one of the biggest tools being used is the Humber’s project management methodology. This tool is the foundation of highly effective project management practices at Humber. It has all the standards, best practices, templates, and guidelines to help you to lead your projects successfully. 

We know that projects are not only run by Capital Development & Facilities Management, Finance and Information Technology Services, there are so many other projects happening in the organization that are led by our administrative and faculty teams. We have created a series of short videos with the aim of socializing the value of Humber’s project management methodology. We hope that these will highlight for the Humber community, the tools that they might use to help them manage their projects. 

You can find all of Humber’s project management tools and resources on our website.

Stay tuned for upcoming future videos!