New Episode of the Staff Lounge Podcast!

Perspectives: What We've Learned launches today!

On May 27 and 28, 2022, Humber College hosts the annual Part-Time Teachers’ Conference virtually for all Ontario part-time post-secondary faculty. In this episode Professor Shirantha Beddage explores the theme of the conference “Perspectives: What We’ve Learned” with two of Humber's part-time faculty. Dr. Betsy Moss and Professor Carri-Ann Scott reflect on how the pandemic impacted their lives and their teaching practice.

What valuable lessons did they learn while teaching remotely? As we return to campus, how will their teaching practices adapt? Are they inspired to bring any new-found methodologies back to the classroom?

“I’ve thought about where my energy is going in my teaching. For sure in the first part of the pandemic I put a lot of energy into content creation. My video lectures were complex and had a lot of effects to emphasize what I wanted them to learn…  I’ve switched emphasis from content development so that I have more time for connection with students… Recognizing how much labour that good online teaching includes for content creation—and not holding myself to some kind of impossible standard—was a learning.”
—Betsy Moss, Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences

“Really we are [still] in emergency remote learning, which is very different from distance education pedagogy. And creating actual distance education classes takes exactly what you’re talking about. It’s the time and the effort and the resources and the skills management and the video editing and all the wonderful pedagogy… but that’s not where we were.”
—Carri-Ann Scott, ECE PT Instructor, Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness

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