Financial Services' Asset Inventory Verification

What is happening?
Financial Services will be conducting its annual Asset Inventory verification. Humber students representing Financial Services will visit Humber and Guelph-Humber offices/labs/rooms (including off-site locations) to conduct this verification.

Verification activities will start June 10, 2022 through the end of August 2022.

How does this impact me?

  • You can expect to be visited by our students during this period.
  • Please plan to assist our students in locating assets and equipment for verification.
  • In most cases, the students will carry keys providing them access to the required spaces - offices/labs/rooms. Your assistance could be required should there be a barrier to physical access.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

For questions on this memo, please contact:

Kelly Tsoumagas
Director, Financial Services
Nidy Banaag-Bucais
Fixed Asset and Reporting Specialist
Susan Sidiropoulos
Manager Financial Services & Reporting