Thank You Note from Pride Organizing Committee

To the Humber community,

On behalf of the LGBTQ+ Resource and Centre 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG), we want to say thank you to everyone who celebrated Pride Month with us this year. We are happy to have witnessed enormous support and engagement in Pride events and activities throughout the whole college. We truly appreciate everyone who put together a Pride themed event, helped get the word out on social media, decorated their spaces with Pride symbols or came out to participate in the events and parades.

For those who were unable to attend, you can watch a short video of our Pride Flag-raising event.

You can also check out a recap video of Pride month, put together by @lifeathumber Staff.

Pride Month was a huge success, however, it is critical to remember that our support of 2SLGBTQ+ community is needed 365 days of the year.

Find practical tips for practicing 2SLGBTQ+ allyship daily prepared by Egale Canada. In order to be a good ally to our 2SLGBTQ+ students and employees, we should continuously learn about 2SLGBTQ+ lives and experiences and practice allyship daily by using inclusive language or intervening when we see offensive behavior. Finally, allyship is a never-ending journey of self-reflection and openness to the feedback and new perspectives from the community. We hope you all continue to grow in your aspiring ally journey.

Again, thank you to everyone who put effort into making the month of June a proud and colourful month together with us. We are proud of our Humber community and look forward to continued partnerships and events that support the Humber 2SLBGTQ+ community!

Please reach out in case if you want to speak with us more or collaborate on events and projects benefiting LGBTQ+ community. You can contact LGBTQ+ Resource Center at or email Anna Rekhviashvili ( If Humber facultys/staff are interested in connecting with the 2SLGBTQ+ ERG, they can email Jasman Singh ( or Kathryn Edgett (