Stephanie Byer, Manager, Global Learning and Engagement

Dear Humber community, 

Stephanie Byer has accepted a new role as Manager, Global Learning and Engagement on the Humber Global team and will be leaving her role as Manager of International and Strategic Initiatives within the Faculty of Social and Community Services (FSCS) and Lakeshore Principal's Office. Steph’s final date within the FSCS and Principal's Office is Friday, September 2.

Steph has been an integral part of the FSCS and Principal’s Office team over the last five years — working on global partnerships, COIL research, the GARDENS Pod project, student bursaries, community partnership events and much more. We are extremely grateful for the support Steph has provided to our faculty.

Steph will be greatly missed, however, we are thankful we can look forward to future global work together in her new role. We wish her the best of luck with her next adventure.

In the interim, we respectfully ask that all communication be directed to Sara Jouppi ( who will manage and redirect as needed.


June MacDonald-Jenkins
Sr. Dean Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus