New Humber Galleries Installation now on Display at LRC

Humber Galleries' first new installation of the fall semester has arrived! ‘Bloody Boats + Voyage I’ by Arkshata Naik is now on display at the North Campus LRC Concourse!

'Bloody Boats + Voyage I’ is an art installation about deconstructing and dismantling the symbol of the traumatic journey that immigrants experience. This piece is as dynamic as an immigrant's journey. The journey of a settler is not only a physical transition, but also a cognitive and social transition that revolves around multiple socio-political narratives.

To the artist, this installation represents a personal experience as an immigrant and seeks to echo several voices like hers through similar unsettling journeys which resonate with a large global population of migrants and refugees, both locally and globally. The subject is inspired by narratives illustrating how humans are struggling to strike a balance between virtual life and reality, full of economic distress and devastation, resulting in conscious migration decisions.

Akshata is a graduate from Humber’s Postgraduate Certificate in Arts Administration and Cultural Management.

This is only part one of this collaborative installation. You can join Akshata at one of our drop-in workshops during the week of September 12-16 to create your own origami paper boats that will become part of ‘Bloody Boats + Voyage I’ for the remainder of this school year.

Visit to learn more.