Accommodated Testing: Information from the Testing Services Team

Accessible Learning Services is working to enhance institutional EDI knowledge of disability and academic accessibility.

  • Testing Services is available by appointment only for Humber and Guelph-Humber learners who are registered with Accessible Learning Services.
  • Learners are required to make an appointment on our scheduling site prior to coming on site to complete testing. More information about the learner process can be found here. You can also review the step by step instructions in this video.
  • Please note that learners may choose not to use Testing Services for every assessment.
  • Learners must advise faculty prior to each assessment of their intent to utilize their testing accommodations and write in the Test Centre. Once this is confirmed with learners, faculty must submit their assessment to Testing Services no later than 3 days prior to their requested write date.
  • At the time of booking their exam, learners can choose the date, time and location for their test and select the accommodation(s) they wish to activate.

Visit the Services for Faculty page for information regarding our test submission options and to access some frequently asked questions.

Please email with suggestions for topics that you would like addressed through the Communiqué.