Getting Ready for the Winter 2023 SFQs

Please review these important points about the Winter 2023 Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQs). 

SFQs will launch around the 70 per cent mark in the semester (week 10 in a 14-week course), and will be available for students right up to the second last week of class. 

Please note these three important pieces of information:

  1. New this semester: Instructors are asked to schedule 20 minutes of in-class time when students will complete the SFQ.  
  2. Get ready -- About 7 days before SFQs launch, instructors will get an email with the option to add up to three custom questions to the SFQ.
  3. Important: Once SFQs are pushed to Blackboard, instructors must enable the SFQ in Blackboard following this process:
  • Select "Books & Tools" (in Details & Actions, left course content menu) 
  • Click "+" next to "Student Feedback Questionnaire"
  • Once added to the course content, make the SFQ visible for students

Learn more about SFQs