Benefit Coverage for Over-age Dependents

If you have an over-age dependent who is college or university-bound, you can help prepare them by ensuring that your child is still covered under your group insurance benefits. 

The deadline to submit Confirmation of Enrolment to is August 31, 2023. Otherwise, your dependent’s access to coverage will be terminated on this date. 

If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology 
Important Information 

Coverage for over-age student dependents 

As per the benefit plan rules, if you have an over-age dependent who is college or university-bound, you can help prepare them by ensuring that your child is still covered under your group insurance benefits. 

As per the benefit plan rules, dependents over the age of 21 (but under age 25) may still be eligible for benefits coverage if they are: 

  • full-time post-secondary students and 
  • financially dependent on you

What you need to do 

  1. Advise the Human Resources Total Rewards team by providing a Confirmation of Enrolment letter/document which confirms that your dependent qualifies as an over-age dependent.  A copy of this document can be obtained from the school’s registrar’s office. Otherwise, the dependent child’s claim will be declined. 

  1. After you inform the Human Resources Total Rewards team, whenever you submit claims, check “Yes” where it asks you to confirm if your dependent is a full-time student. 

  1. When over-age dependents visit the dentist, they can let the dentist know that they are in school full time. This is important because most dentists submit claims electronically. 

  1. You can print an extra paper drug card that your over-age dependent can present at the pharmacy. Otherwise, indicate “full-time student” whenever you submit a paper claim form for their drug claims. Note: If the drug card is not used for all the drug purchases, your reimbursement could be affected due to pharmacy mark-ups on the cost of the drugs. This means that you may have to pay more out-of-pocket. 

  1. Keep the Human Resources Total Rewards team informed of any change in status. Prompt notification of changes in the status of your covered dependents is very important to ensure continued coverage.

Post-secondary school needs proof of coverage 

If your over-age dependent’s post-secondary school needs confirmation of your dependent’s benefits coverage, and you use Sun Life’s Plan Members Services website, you can print coverage information that your over-age dependent can give to their school. Sign into Sun Life’s Plan Member Services website. Next, click ‘Profile’, ‘Personal Info’, and then ‘Personal and dependent information'. 

Print the page that appears. Your over-age dependent can give it to their school and may receive a refund on their fees.

Coverage for students studying abroad 

If your dependent is studying abroad (except in the United States) their benefits coverage may be extended beyond the 60-day limit under the out-of-country coverage. Please contact Human Resources Total Rewards Team for more information and well in advance of the dependent departing Canada (approximately 6-8 weeks before the departure date so the application can be completed, documents are gathered and most importantly, approval can be obtained).

Coverage for overage disabled dependent children 

If a child becomes disabled before the limiting age of 21 (or age 25, if a full-time student), coverage will continue, provided: 

  • The child is incapable of financial self-support because of a physical or mental disability, 
  • The child depends on you for financial support 
  • The child is not married, living common-law, or is not in any other formal union recognized by law 

To ensure that there is no disruption of benefit coverage, you must provide proof to your Pension and Benefits Specialist within at least 31 days of the date your child attains the limiting age of 21.  A completed “Disabled Child Coverage” form must be submitted and approved by Sun Life to ensure that coverage continues.  Please contact your Pension and Benefits Specialist to obtain the form.