Congratulations to Mark Hanna for His Successful Dissertation Defence

September 16, 2016

I am pleased to announce that Mark Hanna, Associate Dean, the Business School has successfully defended his dissertation “Exploring Student Entitlement at an Ontario College”, on September 14th, 2016 at the University of Toronto.

Mark’s dissertation explored the concept of student entitlement focusing on conceptualizing student entitlement from the faculty perspective and then determining the extent to which students report entitled attitudes. This study made suggestions for practice; including the way we market to students; focusing on a transition/orientation program that would specifically address the transition from customer to student: using students’ customer orientation strategically by improving services for students; and, a review of student feedback questionnaires and the process surrounding their administration. 

Mark’s thesis was supervised by Peter Dietsche, Emeritus Davis Chair in Community College Leadership. I am very proud of Mark. Completing a doctorate is a tremendous accomplishment. We look forward to Mark sharing his research findings with the Humber community. 

Alvina Cassiani, Ph.D.
Dean, The Business School