Humber’s 50th Anniversary Logo and Brand Guidelines

October 6, 2016

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of Ontario’s college system. We have developed a special Humber logo to use during 2017 to celebrate this milestone. We encourage you to use the Humber 50th Anniversary logo for any materials that have a one year life span.

Guidelines for the Humber 50th Anniversary logo:

  • The logo artwork is available on
  • The Humber 50th Anniversary logo should be used for materials that are published/intended for use from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.  
  • The Humber 50th Anniversary logo is not to be used on items that will be in circulation after December 31, 2017, e.g. permanent signage.
  • The standard Humber logo protective space and co-branding rules also apply to the Humber 50th Anniversary logo. See

Ontario Colleges has also developed a 50th Anniversary logo and this can be applied when developing materials for college system events. The College’s Ontario 50th Anniversary logo cannot be modified in any way. Please contact, Marketing Co-ordinator, for the logo file and the complete guidelines for use.