Learn About Entrepreneurship & Employment From a Global Lens

Special Opportunity for Faculty You’re invited to International Development Week:  February 7-10, 2017 This year we are exploring the theme Developing the Worlds Youth: Innovations in Entrepreneurship and Employment. Bring your students to our photo exhibit and to participate in a series of interactive workshops and panel discussions! Here are three ways to participate in this special initiative:
  1. Support the development of your student learning outcomes related to entrepreneurship by using our learning resources guide - http://idi.humber.ca/assets/files/IDW-Teaching-Resource-Guide-(Feb-3).pdf
  2. Bring your students to the Gallery Exhibit to see the developing world through the eyes of today’s youth. The images and voices - from Humber’s Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy Project and Save the Children’s Youth in Action Program - weave together stories about the challenges and opportunities in earning an income in an economy that does not offer a direct path to employment. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays, L Space Gallery - Room L1002 & North Space LRC 1st Floor, Main Concourse http://bit.ly/2jQVjXx
  3. Learn from professionals working for social causes in Canada and abroad as they share ideas on ways to reduce poverty around the world. Find out how you can contribute to global and local initiatives that are sparking worldwide sustainable change through the following events:
Tuesday Feb 7 Wednesday Feb 8
  • 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: How ideas can change the world: Social Enterprises Information Session (G304/305) - http://bit.ly/2k7FHmM
  • 2- 5 p.m.: UN Training on the Sustainable Development Goals Training (L Commons) followed by light reception http://bit.ly/2ilwTEp
Thursday Feb 9
  • 9-10:30 a.m.: Design Thinking Workshop (L1017) - http://bit.ly/2j5x5tK
  • 1:30-3:30 p.m.: Panel Discussion: Tackling Youth Unemployment in Canada (L1017) http://bit.ly/2ilgccp
  • 4-6 p.m.: Centre for Entrepreneurship event: LaunchPad Pitch Competition (G Commons)
Friday Feb 10   For more info & to register visit http://idi.humber.ca/ and www.facebook.com/HumberIDI/events