Educational Advisor - Humber Community Employment Services

NEW SERVICE: Humber’s Community Employment Services now offers the services of an Educational Advisor. The Educational Advisor can meet with clients in the community at any of our five off-campus locations and help them discover a program that best meets their needs. The Educational Advisor can meet with clients on a one-to-one basis to create a customized education plan, completely free of charge. Prospective students, current students, and alumni are all welcome! Our Educational Advisor can help in the following areas:
  •          Programs and courses leading to the client’s educational goals
  •          Admission and enrolment process
  •          Academic and skills upgrading
  •          Bridging programs for Internationally Educated Professionals
  •          Referrals to Community Employment Services and resources
  •          Guidance to assessment and evaluation of prior education and experience
An Educational Advisor is available at all 5 locations of Humber’s Community Employment Services. Educational advising for newcomers to Canada and Internationally Trained Immigrants is available on-campus at both the North and Lakeshore through our Newcomer Advising Service.