Corporate Training Project Manager

I am pleased to announce that Julie Pellegrini, Manager, Learning and Development, has accepted a one year secondment as Corporate Training Project Manager, beginning April 4, 2017. Julie’s background at Humber and in the private sector in learning and development management roles will be invaluable to us in reestablishing Humber in the corporate training marketplace. This new role reports to me and Julie will work closely with Lois Willson, who has been developing our Corporate Training Business Plan and Action Plan.  Julie will be responsible for implementing a number of activities outlined in the Action Plan, including: finalizing an internal partnership and revenue sharing model with schools/departments; developing and implementing a supplier assessment process; conducting external research on corporate training needs; providing input to the updating of the MS Dynamics Customer/Client Relationship Management system for corporate training; identifying existing “ready to go” content for corporate training delivery; and developing and implementing a sales and marketing strategy. In addition, Julie will also be responsible for responding to any external enquires with respect to corporate training.  Julie will be located in LX104. Should you receive any enquires from companies seeking corporate training, please refer them to Julie at extension 5681. Please join me in welcoming Julie to her new role! Alister Mathieson Vice President, Advancement and External Affairs