Humber Sustainability Highlights - April 2017

Humber is becoming a greener campus and everyone is participating! Humber Sustainability Highlights feature people and departments around the College that are working to integrate sustainable practices. This month’s focus is the Workplace Writing Skills course taught by Eva Bednar and Kim Robinson, professors in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Lakeshore Campus. Bednar and Robinson have long been passionate about sustainability and community outreach. Together, the two women have taken their love of sustainability and brought it into their teachings, adapting the Workplace Writing Skills course in 2015 to teach students about sustainability and the impact that it can have on our planet.  “Sustainability is important to the health and success of our world. Everything hinges on that,” says Bednar. “Our students need to be cognizant of the ways their future will be impacted by it.” The course provides students with the opportunity to broaden their concept of audience, analyze real-world communication issues and challenges, conduct research and synthesize information. The students complete a collaborative capstone project through a scenario-based approach. Students must diagnose, analyze and pitch a solution to a problem found on campus through a written proposal and an infographic. Past proposals looked at improving parking issues, food choices, and social activities. Now the focus is on sustainability. “We wanted the project to tie into the Humber community,” says Bednar. “So why not sustainability?" Students focus on the campus footprint section from the Humber Sustainability Plan 2014-2019, taking inventory of the current practices and finding solutions to problems around campus.  “The feedback from students has been positive,” says Bednar. “Before this course, students were unaware of how integral sustainability is, both to the world and our own Humber community.” “Part of being a student is becoming aware of what you can do to contribute to your community,” says Robinson. “This course gets students on board with our school’s goals of sustainability.” About Bednar and Robinson Bednar and Robinson’s interest in sustainability stems from their unique upbringings. Growing up in Poland, Bednar describes a culture of conservation. Robinson, on the other hand, credits a lot of her environmental awareness to the news.  “Changing our belief is hard. There needs to be a consciousness, commitment and practice to it,” says Robinson. “Changes as simple as carrying around a reusable water bottle with you can make a big difference.” Interested in the course? Check out some of the past proposals by students featured here.