Office Supplies

Humber is pleased to announce that employees will now benefit from Humber College pricing for items purchased through (Staples Advantage)

  • Account login information will be available on the finance website
  • Orders would be personal credit card mandatory.
  • There will be a minimum order amount of $50.00 (exclusive of tax)
  • Name, campus and room number must be identified when placing the orders.

Note:  Personal Shipments: Humber employees are allowed to use Humber’s receiving location for shipping their personal shipments from (Staples Advantage).  Receiving staff will receive the package and deliver to the location stated on the shipment. Under no circumstance is the receiving staff responsible/accountable for personal shipments; however receiving staff will do their due diligence to secure the item.

Link to Eway login:

For more information or questions please contact

Thank you,

The Purchasing Team