AODA - Notice of Service Disruptions

Under the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, organizations are required to publicly notify customers of temporary disruptions of services or facilities or if they are expected to be temporarily unavailable in the near future, including the steps to take to access alternative methods. This includes planned as well as unplanned service disruptions. Section 5 of Humber’s Accessible Customer Service Policy outlines Humber’s responsibilities in notifying the public of a service disruption.

All notices of service disruption(s) shall include:

  • the name of the event and/or service;
  • the normal service location being impacted;
  • alternate service locations;
  • alternate service methods;
  • hours of service availability;
  • contact information; and
  • other information suitable to the delivery of a good or service.

For more information, please contact Jodie Glean, Manager, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity at, x5685