Global Forum on Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Call for Proposals

On May 23rd and 24th, Humber will welcome partner institutions from around the world to participate in a Global Forum on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Leveraging our collective expertise in entrepreneurship, innovation and applied learning, the two-day forum will begin with a keynote address from Sheldon Levy who will talk about the role that postsecondary institutions must play in preparing graduates for the 21st century. Breakout sessions and networking opportunities will bring together our global partners with the aim of showcasing approaches to entrepreneurship education and innovation.

The forum will provide an opportunity for Humber faculty and staff to showcase their initiatives and research engage with our institutional partners to explore opportunities for collaborations on applied research and joint projects and programs. 

The call for proposals is now open and accessible through  

We encourage you to circulate the one page call for proposals and link to faculty and staff who have demonstrated interest and expertise in entrepreneurship and innovation in applied learning.

Registration for the forum will be limited. Each academic school and division at Humber will receive a specific number of spots to encourage a global forum with meaningful dialogue leading to opportunities for future collaborations.