Increasing Accessibility at Humber: Alternate Formats

What are Alternate Formats?

Alternate formats present printed or electronic documents in different formats in order to ensure everyone has equal access to the information which is required under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). Persons with disabilities often use adaptive/assistive technology that requires an alternate/accessible format so the technology can access the information in a specific manner for the user. It is best to plan ahead and to prepare your information in an accessible manner. For example, if a MS Word document is formatted and structured correctly in the beginning, it will ensure the file is not only accessible but can also be converted into a variety of different alternate formats (e.g. PDF or braille) while retaining its accessibility features; this is sometimes referred to as “conversion ready.”

Examples of Alternate Formats

Common alternate formats include, but are not limited to:

  • Electronic text, such as Word documents or PDF’s
  • Large Print in 16-20 point font or larger;
  • Verbal explanation of a written document;
  • Video Captioning, transcripts;
  • DAISY Digital Audio;
  • Braille;
  • Sign language interpretation.

How can your school or department inform the public that the information you distribute will be provided in alternate formats upon request?

Under the AODA Customer Service Standard, Humber College is required to notify the public about the availability of information in alternate formats. This means that Humber must inform the public that, upon request, the information it creates, receives, and distributes will be provided in alternate formats.

You can do one, or all, of the following:

  1. Include an accessibility footer on the information that your school or department creates and distributes. For example, the footer can state the following:

    This document is available in an alternate format upon request
  2. A message can be posted on your school or department’s website. Please see below for an example of a website message:

    If you require any information on our website or any of the information that our school/department distributes in an alternate format, please contact: (include the name and contact information of a designated contact person)
  3. A poster can be created indicating that alternate formats will be provided upon request and display the information in visible areas throughout your school or department.

For more information contact, Zahra Brown, Equity Generalist, x4825

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring Humber’s compliance with the AODA (2005)