2018 Innovation of the Year Award Nomination

Celebrate and recognize the great work that your colleagues are doing by nominating them for the Innovation of the Year Awards 2018.

The purpose of the Innovation of the Year Awards is to recognize College employees who have designed and implemented a significant innovation that positively impacts the learning of students in the College. Employees from all employee groups (full and part-time faculty, administrators and support staff) are eligible for nomination.

The major criterion for nomination is that the innovation has: A Positive Impact On Students’ Learning. Additional criteria to be used for judging the merit of an innovation and its impact on students’ learning are:
1. Creativity
2. Effectiveness
3. Replication
4. Timeliness
5. Currency
6. Collaboration
7. Quality

Click on attached flyer for more information and the nomination form.

Digital copy to be sent to CTL@Humber.ca by April 20, 2018.