College Council Highlights: April 2018

College Council Highlights: April 5, 2018
Humber College Council (HCC) held its seventh meeting of the 2017-18 academic year on Thursday, April 5, 2018 at the North Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on the highlights, please contact or

New Program: Bachelor of Social Science – Addictions and Mental Health
Derek Stockley, Dean, School of Social and Community Services (SSCS) and Kelly ONeill, Dean, Program Planning, Development and Renewal discussed the proposed Bachelor of Science – Addictions and Mental Health program. The program is currently in development, and going through various committees for final approval.

The four-year Bachelor of Science – Addictions and Mental Health program will provide students with the knowledge and skills required to work in the field of addictions and mental health. Examples of careers include counsellor, group facilitator and case manager.

There will be new pathways from existing programs in SSCS into this proposed degree. This degree will share a common first year platform with several of the school’s existing degrees. Thus after the first year or semester the student will have the option to select this degree or another program in SSCS.

This program aligns with the 2017-2020 Strategic Mandate Agreement.

Business Plan and Financial Budget

Corrine Johnston, Director, Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis and Sanjay Puri, Director, Financial Services and Planning returned to College Council with an update to the 2018/2019 Business Plan and Budget.

Key Budget highlights:
Sanjay Puri gave an overview of the Fair Workplace, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148) and the effects it will have on the budget, which includes the financial costs, as well as 3rd party contracts, equal pay for equal work and maternity leave.

The Budget process is complex and is always looking several years ahead when forecasting. The executive team also takes into account Humber’s guiding principles which include operational activities, auxiliary activities and strategic investments when developing the budget.

Key Business Plan highlights: (approved March 2018)
Corrine Johnston gave an overview of the Business plan and discussed the areas that the college has focused on including; Teaching and Learning Excellence, Student Success, Research and Innovation, Partnerships, Internationalization, Focus on the Polytechnic Identity and Foundations.

Conceptual Overview: Degrees for Development

Farzad Rayegani, Dean, School of Applied Technology gave a detailed presentation on The School of Applied Technology.

Beginning in the Fall 2018, The School of Applied Technology will be structured into Academic Clusters.
1. Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship
2. Built/Design Environment
3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
4. Advanced Manufacturing

Skilled Trades Gap in Ontario – Employers are having difficulties finding suitable candidates with the essential skills, trades, knowledge and education required for positions in industry. Humber is constantly working with industry to identify and position itself as a leader in trades and technology and close this gap.

School of Applied Technology is working on a new model where students will have access to practical components and project work from the beginning and throughout a program. As a result, students will gain practical experience by integrating classroom theory to potential industry projects.

New programs in development
Degree in the Built Environment (working title)
Bachelor of Information & Communications Technology
Bachelor of Mechatronics System Engineering

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Update

Dawn Bassant, Director, Organizational Effectiveness, Human Resources and Bhupinder Malhotra, HRMS-Change Agent - Administrative Relations updated College Council regarding the HRMS.

The implementation of phase one of the HRMS release has been postponed to November 26, 2018. Phase two of HRMS will be released in February 2019.

HRMS will allow employees direct access to their HR information and services through an easy to navigate dashboard. Employees will have easy access to their vacation allotment, sick days, benefits, personal information etc.

Managers will have access to information related to their team members including vacation requests, sick leave requests, emergency contacts etc.

The new HRMS system will help Humber replace a number of legacy paper-based HR processes.


Call for College Council nominations closed on Friday April 13, 2018. If necessary, elections will be held May 3 and 4.

Nancey Adamson and Jeremy Brooks will be attending the CICan conference on behalf of Humber College in Victoria, BC from April 29 to May 1.

The next meeting of College Council will be held Thursday, May 10, 2018 at the Lakeshore Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, or opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website.