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Cris Corbito is sad to leave but will continue his post-secondary education at university this fall

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“Attending Humber was a life-changing experience and one that has prepared me for a better future.”

So says Cris Corbito, who recently graduated from the General Arts and Science – University Transfer (Diploma) program.

“It’s a little bit sad knowing I’ll be leaving but I also feel very prepared to pursue my undergraduate degree because of Humber,” said Corbito. “The program equipped me with the knowledge and skills essential for university. It moulded me into an excellent university candidate and, in some ways, birthed a new Cris.”

Corbito says the program exposed him to new ideas and theories he hadn’t encountered before through its multidisciplinary approach and that helped keep him engaged with learning. He added that access to the myriads of resources Humber provides for students was a benefit and aided him both academically and professionally.

Corbito lauded the professors in the program and spoke about how they went above and beyond when he had a question or needed help. They were empathetic, approachable and knowledgeable while also encouraging his academic pursuits. He said, in some cases, it felt more like a mentor-mentee relationship rather than student and teacher.

He plans to remain in touch with many of his professors.

While he excelled in the classroom, Corbito also immersed himself in the Humber community. He served as an Office of Sustainability ambassador, worked as an event assistant at the Humber@TIFA Conference and participated in a multitude of events and activities at Humber.  

After getting heavily involved on campus, Corbito was motivated to continue his volunteerism in the wider community. He volunteered with political campaigns and with a local tenant group, took part in community and campus clean-ups and wrote blog posts encouraging his peers to engage in politics and sustainability-related issues.

“My experiences volunteering on and off campus developed a sense of community and belonging for me,” said Corbito.

He added that some of the sociology courses he took as part of the program focused on community development and that inspired him to become an active citizen through volunteerism. Getting involved was also quite beneficial for his networking skills, he added.

At Convocation, Corbito received the President’s Medal from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences as well as the Academic Award of Excellence for his program. He was surprised to learn he would be receiving the awards but was happy for the recognition of his hard work and effort.

This fall, Corbito will attend York University’s Glendon Campus to study political science. He’s the recipient of the prestigious Tentanda Via Award, which is a four-year renewable scholarship.