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Green Kids Land at the Humber Arboretum for Earth Day

A crow puppet scratches its head

Image © Green Kids Inc

Friday April  5, 2019


It's unusual for the Humber Arboretum in North Etobicoke to hold a one-day version of their popular weekly-themed nature day camps, but sometimes the perfect opportunity swoops in and lands in your lap.

In 2019, the annual celebration of Earth Day will fall on Easter Monday, which means that the Humber Arboretum's Centre for Urban Ecology is scheduled to be open but most local schools will be closed. It was actually an email from Green Kids Inc - a Winnipeg-based company specializing in environmental theatre for kids - that led Arboretum staff to realize the significance of the timing of April 22nd this year. Armed with the knowledge that Green Kids would be in town that week as part of their Ontario tour AND that kids would be home from school while many parents had to work, the idea to offer a special one-day camp featuring a live performance took off.

Earth Day campers will spend most of their day outside, engaged in hands-on exploration of the many habitats that make up the nearly 250 acre Humber Arboretum. Then they'll get to experience the Green Kids show Wild Wild Wilderness, which is presented by a single performer with a puppet cast. As Green Kids describes the show, it's an empowering story "of one kid's accidental effect on a nearby forest and its creatures."

Registration is also open for the Humber Arboretum's week-long sessions of Summer Nature Camp for ages 5-12 and Jr. Naturalist Camp for ages 12-13.

Learn more and register your campers today on the Humber Arboretum camps page: