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Triec Mentoring Partnership

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Connecting New Canadians to Professionals In Their Field

A program of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC), The Mentoring Partnership is a FREE program that brings together recent skilled immigrants and established professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships.

Humber College is a partner in this program and matches skilled immigrants to volunteer mentors in the same occupation.

How The TRIEC Mentoring Partnership Works

By connecting with a mentor, immigrant professionals (mentees), gain insights into Job Searching, Networking and Working in their field in Canada. TRIEC Mentoring Partnership more than doubles a newcomer's chances of securing a good quality job.

Mentoring takes place for a total of 18 hours over three months.

Meetings can be in person, online, over the phone and can include referrals for information interviews.

Learn about becoming a Mentee

Have you immigrated to Canada in the last five years?

A mentor could help you build your network and reconnect with your career.

Learn about becoming a Mentor

Do you have two plus years’ professional experience in Canada?

Mentors share their knowledge and insights with a newcomer, building their leadership skills in the process.

Humber's TRIEC Mentoring Partnership has created over 1,000 Mentoring Matches

With Employer Partners including


Need more information? Contact Us

Maggie Alongi-Maxwell

Phone: 416-748-7200 ext. 75108

French and English version of Funded by: with the Logo for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada