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CMRAO Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Credits

Humber makes it easy for Ontario condominium managers to renew their general licence and earn their Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. Choose from our list of pre-approved activities to build your CMRAO CPE credits and display competency in the nine professional categories outlined by the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO). After you complete an activity, you will be able to claim the credits through the reporting portal by logging into your CMRAO account. Visit the CMRAO CPE page for more information.

In order to renew your Condominium Management general licence in June 2024, you will be required to complete 10 CPE credits each year. At Humber this can be accomplished this by completing an approved: micro-credentials, workshops, lunch and learn, course or certificate delivered in different modalities and durations. Review competencies for approved activities available.

Empowered Condominium Professional

Check out Humber’s new e-learning micro-credentials series called “Empowered Condominium Professional”, as they are designed to meet the full CPE 10 credit requirement. We have developed self-paced e-learning micro-credentials that easily fit into a busy working professionals' day. These online micro-credentials offer flexibility and are supported by assessments to validate competencies for professional development as well as keeping your licence in good standing.

Each micro-credential is equivalent to 1 CMRAO CPE unit. If you complete the entire certificate, you will satisfy the 10 units for licence renewal. The stackable micro-credential is designed to be completed in 20 hours.


Interpersonal Condominium managers must be able to build and maintain relationships with stakeholders. This involves a variety of skills, including effective collaboration, time management, conflict resolution, and the ability to act professionally. 5 Courses
Communication Using effective communication strategies and critical thinking methods are keys to being a professional condominium manager. This includes practicing active listening, adapting communication strategies to suit different audiences, and maintaining privacy and confidentiality. 3 Courses


Physical Building Condominium managers are responsible for general building preservation, such as conducting general inspections, managing maintenance and repairs, assisting in the development of Reserve Fund Studies, and more. 1 Courses
Operations Condominium managers conduct all general building operations, such as executing administrative requirements of meetings, supporting the Board of Directors, analyzing quotations and contracts, managing staff, and more. 9 Courses
Legal Professional condominium managers are responsible for the effective operations of the condominium corporation within the legal framework. They must understand legal processes, protect the interests of the corporation, and apply the Condominium Act (1998) to all activities. 2 Courses
Financial Professional condominium managers must be able to monitor budgets and expenses while supporting the Board of Directors in a variety of financial processes and decisions. 4 Courses
Information The ability to maintain records and manage information is crucial to the role of a condominium manager. 1 Courses


Ethics As regulated professionals, condominium managers promote and protect the best interests of the condominium corporation while upholding ethical standards of behaviour. 1 Courses
Professional Development Condominium managers must be committed to continuous professional development to ensure consumer protection. 3 Courses


Contact us if you have further questions.