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Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators

Multiple Approaches to Teaching and Learning Using Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) uses multiple ways to engage and motivate students. Provided below are three ways that UDL anticipates the myriad of learning styles in the classroom.

  1. UDL builds on the concept that a single teaching style may not work for a classroom of students. For example, incorporating active reading strategies such as encouraging students to identify and define any unfamiliar terms, or to write a summary of the chapter or article.
  2. UDL addresses the needs of different learners during the design stage. For example, use videos to supplement or replace readings.
  3. UDL incorporates active learning by building in more interaction between professor and students. For example, providing opportunities for students to change tasks or activities during class through learning activities such as role play, peer review, discussion, or game based learning.

Universal Design for Learning emphasizes multiple methods of presenting material so students have several ways to access information. Below are some examples of presenting information in a number of ways to enhance student learning:

  • Posting materials on a course website
  • Using a variety of visuals and visual aids
  • Supplying audio to supplement text
  • Using social media or online discussions boards
  • Staging interactive demonstrations

UDL also utilizes advances in technology as a way to enhance accessible education.

Universal Design for Learning encourages the use of new and emerging technologies to enhance learning for all students.

  • Technology builds on advances in wireless technology and uses technology as a tool in the accessible learning environment.
  • Technology offers opportunities to use tools to teach students in multiple ways, such as:
    • smart phones
    • laptops
    • scanning devices
    • digital recorders
    • screen readers
    • assistive listening devices

The effective use of technology delivers benefits to all students.