
Browse how-to guides on how to navigate and complete courses within LEARN.


Browse how-to guides on how to complete manager tasks within LEARN.

Training Content Developer

(Coming soon)

Create and manage learning content.

Roles & Responsibilities


Learners (All Employees)

Learners will be able to view and launch mandatory learning, enroll in developmental courses, review learning recommendations, view their learning history, and obtain, upload and access their certificates of completion.  

Employees will automatically have access to these functions through LEARN. 



Managers will be able to assign learning to employees and monitor their team’s completion progress.  

A manager is anyone who has direct reports on the HRMS. Access to assigning courses to your team will be automatically provisioned on LEARN.  



LEARN Administrators (P&C Staff)

LEARN Administrators will administer and manage LEARN, review in-house learning before it is uploaded to ensure it meets branding and format standards, resolve any issues and work to continuously improve the LMS.  

This level of access will only be granted to a select few individuals within the People(s) and Culture division to oversee the LEARN platform.  

Training Content Developers

Training Content Developers from across Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber will be able to create courses and upload training content onto the LEARN platform, assign learning to employees, and monitor completion progress.  

If you are responsible for putting together learning and training programs for employees, you will need to be granted access within LEARN. To request for access or would like to add training content on LEARN, please contact learn@humber.ca